Measuring is a process which a number is assigned to an attribute of an object or event. One of the measurable attributes in KBSR mathemathics Year 2 is the measurement of volume of a liquid. Volume of a liquid means amount of liquid that can hold.
Misconception on capacity may arise among the students while teaching volume of liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers. Many children often make the comparison on height rather than capacity. When comparing the tall container with a short container which of them can had more amount of the liquid, most children will choose the taller container even if the shorter one actually holds more. Thus, a teacher needs to help them understand better by using direct comparisons.
Video:how to measure volume of liquid
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this activity, students will be able to compare volumes of liquid using non-standard measurements.
plastic cup
1.Teacher asks the pupils questions regarding volume in their routine
1.Teacher asks the pupils questions regarding volume in their routine
“ How many cups of tea can you get from a tea pot?”
“ How many cups of tea can you get from a jug?”
2. Teacher prepares 2 different containers (a jug and a pail) with
water fill up to the top.
2. Teacher prepares 2 different containers (a jug and a pail) with
water fill up to the top.
3 Ask the pupils to guess which container has a larger volume.
4. Divide the class into groups of six pupils and have them work in
their cooperative groups.
their cooperative groups.
5. Appoint one pupil in the group to be the recorder.
6. Asks the pupils to pour the water in each container into cupfuls of
7. Get the pupils to record the number of cupfuls of water and
observed the pupils step by step.
observed the pupils step by step.
8. Repeat the same stepsfor the other containers.
9. Have the pupils record their finding in the following table:
Container | Measurement (cups) |
A jug | |
A pail |
- Have the pupils discussed on the two containers ( jug and pail ), which has larger volume.
- Teacher explains that if the liquid in a container fills up more cupfuls of water, it means that the container has larger volume.
The blog had created teaching aids and teaching activitiy for student that can be applied to Year Two students.This activity is using plastic cup to measure volumes of liquid. There are many teaching aids can be use to create learning activities about the measurement of volume of liquid. For example, fruit juice bottle, jug, tea pot, pail and measuring cylinder. These things are related to children’s daily life.
This teaching activities are fun for pupils because learning through hand-on activity. Teacher plans teaching method based on student’s prior knowledge . Each students able to interact with the learning materials by involved in this activity. This activity is interesting because learning occur in life-like situations. Through this teaching activity, I believe that teacher will able to help pupil learn the topic on liquid measurement effectively and avoid them to make misconception on capacity.